Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The Importance of People

People are incredibly important.  People are really the biggest reason I care about the "unseen", because usually when there are unseen, unintended consequences, people are the one who get hurt. 

People are incredibly important in politics as well, though not in the voting sense.  People are the only way that things actually happen.  ONLY PEOPLE DO THINGS. 

This point was very eloquently made by THIS MAN.  Read the whole fantastic thing.  Here is an appetizer. 

It means doing the hard work of volunteering your time and effort in the arenas you feel are important and allowing other to do the same, even if you do not agree with them. It means not assuming sending your kids to be educated by strangers is all that’s required to shape their minds. It means, Heaven forbid, skipping out on a few episodes of Dancing with the Jersey Shore Stars to be a part of the community you live in so that things get done and people don’t feel the need to demand the government fill the role you should have been doing from the start. It means standing up to the injustices and not just sitting back, hoping the regulatory alligator eats you last.

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