Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The reset button

Have you ever had an experience that convicted you, illuminated your actions, and pushed you back on some course you had originally set?

When these experiences come from God they are just amazing and make me praise Him all the more. When I discover a particular "reset" on my own, I just kick myself. And when the reset comes from a friend, from realizing that by straying from my previous course I may have hurt someone I care about or caused them turmoil, I grieve for them and feel great remorse regarding my actions.

This afternoon something from one of my friends triggered this third kind of reset, and believe me, seeing how far and fast I can go from where I want to be when I try to take matters into my own hands just makes me all the more glad for God's grace and the constant advice/companionship of the Holy Spirit, and all the more committed to relying totally on the provision of my Father.

My friend - - I am deeply sorry, and thank you for (whether or not you intended to) setting me back on track.

In other news, I had a meeting/interview at the Tax Foundation this afternoon. Talking with several of the staff I discovered that one of their major points in the discussion on what attracts businesses to states is almost exactly the same idea I had and wrote a little about back in June. Now I really wish I had turned that thought piece into a full paper or article for MCPP. Good news though - it appears that I am moving from having "original" ideas that were first written about sixty years ago to simply not getting my ideas on paper fast enough to be the first. Guess I should write about my thoughts and ideas more, huh. :)

Went hiking with several friends yesterday. Fantastic day, so wonderful to be out and among God's forests, hills, and rocks again. The group hiked about 7.5 miles (one of the young ladies and I hiked about 1.3 miles more than the group). Here are a couple of pictures.

Just a stream I really enjoyed hiking along. The goofy camera said the picture was blurry, but I like the picture the way it is.

Below is most of the group. The standing guy (Mike) and seated gal (Carolyn) both go to my church.

And here's me, playing with the rocks again.

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